Athletes for Hope Australia has been established as a registered charity
to inspire and empower athletes to discover, connect and engage with community causes: “inspired athletes, better communities”.
Our “Causeway” workshops and activities are provided to athletes free of charge, subject to philanthropic funding support.
Our Discover workshops, Connect and Engage phases provide thought-provoking, interactive and tailored development, helping athletes discover their personal passion and explore the value of community service.
Delivered either online or in-person (subject to COVID-19 restrictions and geographical limitations) our Causeway pathway explores:
Hope | Inspiration | Beliefs | Values | Interests | Purpose | Resilience and Performance | Community Service | Legacy
For those athletes progressing through the Causeway further, our Discover workshops are then complemented by:
Skills training: Ongoing tailored training to develop relevant leadership and personal skills essential to optimise each athlete’s engagement with community organisations including:
Storytelling and teamwork
NFP governance
Media training
Exploiting social media
Community leadership and interaction
Empathy, connection and resilience; and
Facilitated athlete connections with reputable community organisations that are aligned with participating athletes’ passions and interests, as identified through the Discovery phase of our Causeway Program.